Modern Fiqh Issues
2 Seasons
This programme deals with the most challenging questions of jurisprudence and practice in the modern world. The world is becoming ever more complex with many new forms of economic, political, social and technological phenomena imposed on the lives of people. The sad reality is that some of the scholars and preachers are still set in their old and traditional way of thinking. They find it very hard to provide convincing and practical answers to these modern challenges. This programme looks at the modern challenges with a fresh eye to find answers from the Qur’an, Seerah and the research of scholars both past and present.
This is suitable for every Muslim living in both the East and the West either as a minority or as a majority. The world has now become a global village because of advances in technology and transportation so there is very little difference between living in the East and the West. The problems and challenges in family, marriage, children, socialization, entertainment, business, finance, employment, mental health, politics and governance seem to be the same everywhere.
Shariah Law Islamic State & Jihad Part1
Episode 1
Shariah Law Islamic State & Jihad Part2
Episode 2
Shariah Law Islamic State & Jihad Part3
Episode 3
47:22Episode 4
Shariah Law Islamic State & Jihad Part4
Episode 4
Shariah Law Islamic State & Jihad Part5
Episode 5